We collated some tips and words of advice for you to improve your running. Feel free to browse through them and learn more about how best to approach the awesome sport of running. Enjoy!

Preparing for Your Race

If you are preparing for a race, click here for helpful tips.

Credit: Anthony Beckett (he will be watching you!)

Tips from Experienced Runners

Michael Soutter

#1 Tip
Stay consistent with your training and have a routine that will work for you and your family over an extended period of time. Goals should be based on what is achievable in terms of the effort you are able to consistently put in.

Marathons Completed
I have completed 28 marathons which includes 6 ultra Marathons of 50km +

How long have you been running for
1995 on and off but first event in 200 and first marathon in 2012

Favourite Run
My favourite run is really hard to choose. I think the 100km lake run is right at the top but it was not a race. There was so much support and an atmosphere that would be impossible to replicate. As for a race i think this years 2 bays 56 was really special as a personal achievement. I had been unsuccessful at that event in 2016 so it made it all the more special to get it done this time around.

Jodie Soutter

#1 Tip
Never compare yourself or your progress to anyone else

Marathons Completed
I have completed 5 marathons, all at Melbourne Marathon.

How long have you been running for
6 years

Favourite run
Has to be Great Ocean Road half Marathon, such a beautiful course and the best finish line!

Rob Centoza

#1 Tip
Know your body. listen to your body, you need to understand what is general soreness / niggle or an injury, if in doubt rest and get it looked at. This may be the difference between be able to stay running or siting out with injuries. Happy running.

Marathons Completed
I have just completed 19 marathons.

How long have you been running for
I have been running for 4 1/2 years.

Favourite Run
Favourite run to date is the New York City Marathon 2018.

Emilie Barkley

#1 Tip
As tempting as it is, try not to get caught up in the ‘more’ mentality and feeling like there’s less value in shorter distances. There is just as much joy and satisfaction in a shorter distance race with a well-executed training block as there is in longer distance racing. Listen to the feedback from your body rather than just cranking out miles for the sake of it. Don’t be afraid to find the race distance you love (whatever that may be!) and give it a red hot crack regardless of what those around you are doing. Think Bolt and Kipchoge – it’s ok to specialise and it’s ok to opt out of some events.

Marathons Completed
I have completed 13 road marathons and 3 ultra trail marathons.

How long have you been running for
I’ve been running as long as I can really remember. As a kid I started off doing a few fun runs with my family along with cross country and athletics at school. I ran my first half marathon when I was about 21 and things just escalated from there.

Favourite Run
My favourite race has to be Surf Coast Century. The atmosphere is second to none and the team element makes it a really unique event. Having relay runners out there amongst the 100km runners is very cool and creates a really special racing experience.

Michael Dale

#1 Tip
My Number 1 advice is pretty simple and it comes in the form of a quote from Michael Sargent ~ ‘Running should be a lifelong activity. Approach it patiently and intelligently and it will reward you for a long, long time.’

Marathons Completed
I’ve completed 62 marathons. My first was in 1984 along the old Melbourne marathon course from Frankston to the Art Centre in Melbourne. My all time favourite marathon is actually MM but along the new course that winds it’s way past iconic locations, Flinders St train station, St. Kilda Road, Albert Park Lake, along the bay, up around the botanical gardens and finishing at the MCG – pretty amazing.

How long have you been running for
I started endurance running as a 17 year old in 1976. I’ve had short breaks from running due to work commitments and another time when I had cancer 2001.

Favourite Run
Favourite trail marathon is Marysville and country probably Traralgon. I’ve run a marathon in every state and territory except WA but I’m booked in to complete that one in early October.

Patrick (aka Massage King)

#1 Tip
The advice I can give runners are to decide what race you want to do, not what others suggest you do. Plan your training and your runs on your main Race Goal. Run your own pace. Don’t worry about times, just go out and enjoy it.

Marathons Completed
61 runs of marathon distance or more.

How long have you been running for
I started running when I was 13, when I was chosen for the school cross country team. I did my first marathon at the age of 21.

Favourite Run
Favourite runs would have to be the Paris Marathon in 2011 and my first Surfcoast Century 100k in Anglesea in 2017.

Andrew Walker

#1 Tip
Whether you’re a first timer with doubts or an experienced runner struggling for motivation or confidence. Don’t ask yourself questions, lace up and just take that first step. Take that step outside the front door. Turn up to that group run. Run to that next post. Do one more lap. You wont regret you did.

Marathons Completed
Maybe 4 marathons in events, I don’t do many events or marathons.. A few Ultras- Two bays 56 (4), GOR 60 (2), Mt Buller Sky Run 45, Rebels Good Butt 60 & Rebels Big Butt 100.

How long have you been running for
7 years

Favourite Run
Two bays trail run 56km has become a special one for me over the last few years.

Anthony Beckett

#1 Tip
Get your shoes properly fitted the first time. It’s important to know if you are a pronator, supinator or have neutral footing. This will be important for injury prevention.

Marathons Completed
10 Marathons

How long have you been running for
11 years

Favourite Run
Gold Coast Marathon

Melissa Peters

#1 Tip
Number 1 tip is take the pressure of yourself to perform, aim to have a good enjoyable run the rest will fall into place. Every run is a training run for the next event!!

Marathons Completed
I have ran 4 marathons, 3 at Melbourne and 1 at GOR. I also ran 45.5 km at Soutters lake laps and I’ve done 1 55km ultra

How long have you been running for
I’ve been running for 5 years

Favourite Run
My favourite marathon is GOR!! I loved it

Megan Humphrys

#1 Tip
Don’t compare yourself to other runners. You don’t have to run a marathon to be a runner, you don’t have to run a fast pace to be a runner. You just have to get out there and run. Every run no matter the pace or distance is an incredible achievement.

Marathons Completed
4 marathons- 1st at age 40

How long have you been running for
Nearly 5 years

Favourite Race
Two Bays

Tim Earl

#1 Tip
Consistency is the key, short, mid or long you will only improve if you train consistently!

Marathons Completed
9 Marathons

Favourite Race
GOR Marathon by a mile (was that a pun?)

Thank you to all contributors. Please visit back for more running tips and advice again soon!